False Dichotomy Of Abstinence Vs. Harm Reduction

As the opioid epidemic shows no signs of abating, the term “harm reduction” has entered into the lay media. We hear about mentioned in all sorts of places. It has support in conservative parts of the country. People speak of

Read More False Dichotomy Of Abstinence Vs. Harm Reduction

Everyone Is For Harm Reduction…Except For Addiction


Addiction is a chronic disease. It has a ‘lifestyle’ factors, i.e. it relies on apparently voluntary choices by its victim for its perpetuation. One can argue about how ‘voluntary’ those choices really are during different phases of the diseases. For

Read More Everyone Is For Harm Reduction…Except For Addiction

About Supervised Injection Facilities

The opioid epidemic is not just an overdose epidemic. It is also an HIV and Hepatitis C epidemic. We need to consider all evidence-based interventions for this, no matter how they challenge our long-held beliefs about morality and addiction.